In 2024, Quynh Ann became a faculty member and started her own lab in the department of Pharmacology and Vanderbilt Brain Institute, Vanderbilt University, Nashville. QA’s lab aims to bridge our understanding of neural function and dysfunction at the level of molecules, cells, circuits, and behavior. A central focus of the lab is to understand mechanisms of hyperexcitability in the brain. Aberrant firing of neurons underlies many neurological disorders such as epilepsy and a greater understanding of how this dysfunction arises can pave the way for the identification of novel targets for therapeutic intervention. We utilize techniques such as slice electrophysiology, in vivo silicon probe recording, 2-photon imaging, closed-loop optogenetics, EEG recording, and computational modeling in mice for our investigations. The lab has an interdisciplinary group of collaborators, including biochemists and bioengineers who develop tools to aid our basic science investigations as well as clinicians who help translate our basic insights from mouse to humans.